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Baldur’s Gate Enhanced coming to Mac OS X

Baldur’s Gate Enhanced coming to Mac OS X

Beamdog unveiled the newest platform for the Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition, Mac OS X.

John Keefer

March 29, 2012 12:00 PM5

When Beamdog announced Baldur’s Gate Enhanced Edition for PC, they promised to reveal the other platforms soon after. First they announced support for the iPad, and today they are announcing support for Mac OS X.

“If you can connect to the App Store, then you can play BG:EE,” said Beamdog COO Cameron Tofer when asked what the minimum OS X spec would be. That means so long as your computer can support Snow Leopard (10.6.6), you’re set. “We will support all machine configurations.” He also said the iOS version will have iCloud support and widescreen capabilities.

While some apps have Steam support and Steam play, BG:EE for the Mac will only be available for through the Apple App Store, Tofer said. And don’t expect any more announcements for awhile.

“We’ll be quiet for a bit,” he told us.

The PC, iPad and Mac versions are set for release this summer.

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