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Bethesda hiring for iOS game

Bethesda hiring for iOS game

Bethesda is hiring for an iOS programmer in its main offices, requesting multiple products shipped and a familiarity with Apple events.

Steve Watts

March 15, 2012 3:00 PM7

In a move that’s becoming increasingly common, Bethesda is adding iOS development to its list of skills. The company has posted a job listing for an iOS programmer in its main offices, requesting prior experience and a close familiarity with Apple products and news.

The listing requests iOS game development experience with multiple titles shipped, a variety of programming languages, and experience with Bethesda games. It helps to be a fan of Apple, too, as “follows live blogs of every Apple event” is listed as a plus.

Only a few weeks ago, Bethesda was hiring for a future generation console programmer. The publisher has been fairly quiet about its future plans since the launch of Skyrim, but between future consoles and iOS devices, it seems to be pushing towards adopting new technologies.

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