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HomeBaldur's Gate 3Bioshock Infinite's Sirens revealed in new trailer

Bioshock Infinite’s Sirens revealed in new trailer

Bioshock Infinite’s Sirens revealed in new trailer

In the fourth “Heavy Hitters” trailer for Bioshock Infinite, the developers discuss a new enemy called the Siren, who can bring enemies back to life.

Jeff Mattas

March 27, 2012 1:30 PM9

A new trailer for Bioshock Infinite shows off a new enemy type players will have to contend with while galivanting around the floating city of Columbia. The Sirens–floating, banshee-like ethereal creatures–have the ability to bring back enemies back from the dead to do some more fighting.

Bioshock Infinite’s creative director, Ken Lavine, weighs in with art director Nate wells and lead artist Shawn Robertson to chat a bit about the origin of the new enemy-type as well, explaining that it was inspired by a specific period in American history when the notion of ghosts and the idea of communicating with the dead became all the rage.

Bioshock Infinite is scheduled to hit PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 on October 16. For more videos, click here.

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