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Mass Effect 3 stats guide released by BioWare

Mass Effect 3 stats guide released by BioWare

Mass Effect 3 uses some complicated math equations to calculate its stats, and senior designer Manveer Heir has taken the veil off to let min-maxers math their way to victory.

Steve Watts

February 16, 2012 3:15 PM2

In a few weeks, most of us will be playing Mass Effect 3 for fun like normal human beings. Some of you, however, figure there’s no point in playing if your Shepard isn’t all he can be, and you’ll want to take an approach more akin to managing an Excel spreadsheet. BioWare has heard your pleas, math nerds, and provided a detailed breakdown to help you min-max your characters.

Senior designer Manveer Heir outlined the stat formulas on the BioWare forums (via Eurogamer). “We realized this would be a very small percentage of people that do this so instead of confusing people and trying to explain everything in game with complicated formulas, we do the math in the background, give you guys the results that matter and let you make your choices from there,” Heir said. “The truly hardcore can read this, hopefully helpful, forum post to understand everything further.”

He points out that the hardcore players probably have thousands of questions on specific powers, but he says they can’t take time to answer each one. “I’m going to try to avoid going into huge details for future inquiries regarding powers,” he said. “There’s just too many of you, too few of us, and we still have work to do on top of reading forums. I hope you understand.”

We won’t publish the full entry, because we don’t want to put our readers to sleep. But as an example of just how nitty and gritty the guide gets:

Oh yes, that’s power-nerd right there. Mass Effect 3 is due out for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on March 6, which gives you a few weeks to draw up your flow charts.

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