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Counter-Strike: GO beta opening more slots

Counter-Strike: GO beta opening more slots

The hardware survey for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is open to all, and will be used to start sending out more beta keys next week.

Steve Watts

February 23, 2012 7:30 AM5

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is giving away more beta keys, and has opened its hardware survey to get a wide pool to choose from. The survey covers your basic hardware specs, then forwards to a few questions regarding your personal preferences.

The survey is delivered through Steam. The developer blog suggests that they’ll be looking for particular groups to come in during the waves, which is the purpose of the survey. “Sometimes we might add experienced players, other times new players,” the blog states. “Sometimes 1.6 players, sometimes CSS players, sometimes people who have played neither.”

The selections from this round of surveys will start next week, so don’t wait too long to chip in your two cents. Playing the beta will also grant you gift keys to give to friends, so you can always hang that over your buddies’ heads.

No timetable has been set for the full release of the game. Last year, Valve’s Chet Faliszek said the beta will end “when it’s ready.”

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