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HomeBaldur's Gate 3Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock ticking in March

Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock ticking in March

Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock ticking in March

The Doctor’s new adventure in Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock will be a side-on platformer, the first trailer has revealed. BBC Worldwide has also announced that it’ll debut on PlayStation 3 and Vita via PlayStation Network in March.

Alice O’Connor

January 23, 2012 11:30 AM3

Careful examination of Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock‘s debut trailer using a sonic screwdriver leads one to conclusively conclude that it is some manner of sidey-widey runny-jumpy game. In other words, a platformer. It’ll hit PlayStation 3 and Vita via PlayStation Network in March, BBC Worldwide announced today, with the PC edition released “due shortly after.”

A platformer’s a fair match for developer Supermassive Games, as the English developer is most known for lending a hand to the LittleBigPlanet franchise. Now, whether a platformer’s a good match for Doctor Who is another matter entirely.

The Doctor and River Song will face Doctor Who the Silence, the Daleks, Cybermen and Silurians, because defeating only one set of baddies is a piece of cake to our dear Doctor. Executive producer Simon Harris explains a little about the monster selection in an accompanying PlayStation Blog post, if you’re curious.

The Beeb has yet to announce a price.

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