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HomeBaldur's Gate 3Double Fine's Kickstarter adventure coming to PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android

Double Fine’s Kickstarter adventure coming to PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android

Double Fine’s Kickstarter adventure coming to PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android

Double Fine’s extra adventure game monies will go towards mobile versions, English voice acting, and subtitles for various languages.

Steve Watts

February 16, 2012 11:30 AM1

Since Double Fine’s Kickstarter experiment started moving like a runaway freight train, the team has promised that the extra money would go towards additional platforms, languages, music, and voice work. The company has outlined a few of those expanded plans, including mobile platforms and language options.

A video update (via Joystiq) from studio head Tim Schafer promises that besides the game is now set for PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, and some Android phones. It will sport English voice acting, with French, Italian, German, and Spanish subtitles.

Greg Rice clarified to Joystiq that the backers will only get access to the PC, Mac, and Linux versions, saying that granting them the mobile versions is “not currently possible.”

The Kickstarter currently stands at $1.86 million, with 26 days left to go. Nearly 30,0000 people have chipped in for the “$15 or more” price point, meaning Double Fine will have a nice big beta test to go on. It’s actually sold out of most of the special prizes for higher tiers, but if you’re rich or stuck in a madcap Brewster’s Millions adventure, two $10,000 pledge slots remain. The crazy part is that means two people have already done it.

“We got a little bit more money than we thought we were going to get, so the game is going to be just a little bit better,” said a drowsy Schafer in the video. “Well, it’s going to be a lot better, actually.”

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