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HomeBaldur's Gate 3Dragon's Dogma getting expansion, hard and speedrun modes

Dragon’s Dogma getting expansion, hard and speedrun modes

Dragon’s Dogma getting expansion, hard and speedrun modes

Capcom recently added an easy mode to Dragon’s Dogma, but if you wished for the opposite, you’re in luck. In a bumper Dogma-o-rama at the Tokyo Game Show, Capcom announced that not only is the action-RPG getting a hard mode for free, a title update will also add a special speedrun mode. Oh, and a whole expansion named Dark Arisen, which we don’t know much about.

Alice O’Connor

September 21, 2012 6:00 AM8

Capcom recently added an easy mode to Dragon’s Dogma, but if you wished for the opposite, you’re in luck. In a bumper Dogma-o-rama at the Tokyo Game Show, Capcom announced that not only is the action-RPG getting a Hard Mode for free, a title update will also add a special Speedrun Mode. Oh, and it’s making an expansion named Dark Arisen, which we don’t know much about.

Speedrun and Hard modes will offer shiny equipment as rewards–Speedrun for completing the game quickly, and Hard just for surviving the tougher enemies.

All Capcom has to say about Dark Arisen, though, is that it’s coming sometime in 2013. Whether it’s a physical release or DLC, we don’t know. What it adds, we don’t know. But do expect dragons.

So, onto the media dump. As well as some screenshots of Dark Arisen, we have a teaser trailer:

And a trailer for the title update adding Hard Mode and Speedrun Mode:

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