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HomeBaldur's Gate 3Gotham City Impostors free DLC, stat wipe bug fix released

Gotham City Impostors free DLC, stat wipe bug fix released

Gotham City Impostors free DLC, stat wipe bug fix released

Gotham City Impostors is rolling out its first free DLC pack today, which adds several new costumes, weapons, gadgets, and more. Monolith is also starting waves of correcting the stat glitch by gifting XP and Costume Coins to affected players.

Steve Watts

February 24, 2012 9:45 AM2

The free downloadable content for Gotham City Impostors has been released on Xbox Live, and should be hitting PlayStation 3 and PC soon. The update brings a few fixes, along with a new map and a host of weapons, gadgets, and perks for you to customize your Impostor.

You’ll be prompted to download the DLC next time you start up the game. A few of the most notable additions are the 25th Floor map, and new costumes like the luchador, corporate lackey, and ninja (above). The empty “Costumes” option has been removed from the Black Market menu, so you’ll find all the new costumes as individual pieces in the Customize menu. They can be purchased with in-game Coins or real currency, like all the other costumes.

The new loadout options seem made for aspiring ninjas. The Falcon Blade is a short-range sword, and the Kingmaker pistol lets you switch quickly to a weak long-range option. The Toxic Gas support item leaves a cloud of damaging vapors to aid in getaways. And the new Nimble Fingers fun fact lets you detach batteries and capture gasblasters faster. Plus, a new “Ninja” voice can be found in the Voices menu, so all-in-all this update seems to favor the martial artists.

In addition to the new loot, the update adds matchmaking fixes, and lets you join in the middle of a match in progress. We brought up some imbalance to the matchmaking in our field report, so hopefully this fixes the problem.

Finally, if you were unlucky enough to lose your stat data, Monolith is working to restore your XP and Costume Coins. The official site reveals that the fix started to roll out yesterday. The team notes that this will happen in waves, but it will continue “until the issue is completely resolved.” You’ll get a prompt that lets you know you’ve been gifted XP as a Community XP reward, and any lost Costume Coins will be found in your Costumes menu. These will be added to your totals, so you won’t lose any additional XP or Coins you’ve gained since losing your progress.

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