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Guild Wars 2 console edition still in ‘preparation stage’

Guild Wars 2 console edition still in ‘preparation stage’

Though Guild Wars 2 is now lined up to launch on PC this year, it’s still early days for the console edition. “Console edition?” you may ask. It’s been mentioned a few times before but without no concrete details, but it is still in the works.

Alice O’Connor

February 17, 2012 10:00 AM3

Though ArenaNet’s Guild Wars 2 is now lined up to launch on PC this year, it’s still early days for the console edition. “Console edition?” you may ask. It’s been quietly mentioned a few times before with no concrete details, and that’s apparently still the case, but work is continuing.

“When it comes to Guild Wars 2 as we have announced already, we are in the preparation stage… So once again, nothing has been finalized yet for me to make specific comments now,” Guild Wars Insider caught publisher NCsoft saying in a conference call this week.

“Realistically speaking I don’t think it would be likely that we will be launching the console version [and the PC version] together,” Eurogamer noted NCsoft stating on the call. Well, obviously.

Calming fans shocked by the news, ArenaNet community manager Martin Kerstein responded on the Guild Wars 2 Guru forums, “We stated multiple times in public that we have a small team working on a console version, but that we are fully dedicated to make the most kickass game for PC (I think the official statement did not use the word kickass, in case someone wants to semantically dissect my post).”

ArenaNet plans to “aggressively ramp up” the scale of Guild Wars 2’s beta testing events in March and April, ahead of its launch later this year.

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