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Bungie is removing Legendary Shards from Destiny 2


Bungie is removing Legendary Shards from Destiny 2

As much as I hate losing 18,847 Legendary Shards, Bungie’s reasoning makes a lot of sense.

Bill Lavoy

Bill Lavoy

September 14, 2023 11:55 AMBungie1

For as long as I can recall I’ve enjoyed watching my Legendary Shard pile grow in Destiny 2, and for as long as I can recall it’s been totally unnecessary. Well, soon they’ll be gone, as Bungie plans to remove Legendary Shards from the game over the coming months.

Bungie announced the removal of Legendary Shards in their September 14, 2023, This Week in Destiny (TWID – I’m never going to like it) column. In it, Bungie outlines how Legendary Shards have built a gap between new and veteran players.

Bungie went on to say that this change would begin in Season 23, but that Legendary Shards would be completely gone from Destiny 2 by the time The Final Shape releases. They also noted that there would be no material exchange for Legendary Shards, as this too would cause an imbalance in the economy. Furthermore, Bungie will change the rewards players get for dismantling gear, including giving out a chance at Enhancement Cores for Legendary and Exotic items.

It’s hard not to see the removal of Legendary Shards as a positive. At its core, it’s one less currency in a game that has too many of them as is. They are currently meaningless when you really think about it, a point that’s proven by how easily their removal would appear to be.

To stay current with everything happening in Bungie’s looter shooter, check out the Destiny 2 Strategy Guide.

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