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Mass Effect 3 faces getting fixed in next patch

Mass Effect 3 faces getting fixed in next patch

The Mass Effect 3 face importing glitch is getting a patch, currently going through testing and certification.

Steve Watts

March 23, 2012 12:00 PM5

With all the talk of endings and closure, you might have forgotten the other controversy dogging Mass Effect 3. Some users were unable to import their custom Shepard’s face upon starting the game, and EA’s suggestion to remake your face wasn’t exactly satisfying. That problem is set to be fixed with an upcoming patch.

A post from community coordinator Chris Priestly on the BioWare forums (via Joystiq) gives word that the team has fixed the face importing issue, and it will be included in the next patch. The bad news, predictably, is that thanks to all the stages of testing for patches (at BioWare, EA, Microsoft, and Sony), he can’t give a clear time frame of when it will hit.

“Until we know that the patch has passed certification testing, I don’t want to give even a rough idea of the date, to prevent disappointment should it need further testing,” he wrote. “So I’m sorry I don’t have the full answer you all want and are waiting for yet. When I can give you the date when the patch will be available I will.”

The answer is better than nothing for those who want to sport their custom-mugs in the game.

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