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Mass Effect Infiltrator coming to iOS

Mass Effect Infiltrator coming to iOS

EA has just announced Mass Effect Infiltrator for iOS, a companion app that will help boost your “Galactic Readiness” in Mass Effect 3.

Andrew Yoon

February 7, 2012 12:15 PM23

EA has just announced Mass Effect Infiltrator for iOS, a companion app that will help boost your “Galactic Readiness” in Mass Effect 3. Increased readiness will help enable players get the best ending possible in the trilogy’s finale.

“Take the all-out galactic war in Mass Effect 3 on-the-go with Infiltrator, a fully-featured iOS third-person shooter showcasing stunning graphics and authentic weapons and powers from the Mass Effect series,” a PR pamphlet acquired at an EA event describes.

“Inspired by the deep and immersive Mass Effect 3 universe, in Infiltrator players will help to free prisoners from a hostile Cerberus base and will receive rewards for collecting evidence of Cerberus’ crimes along the way. Every completed rescue and intelligence discovery in Infiltrator will increase a player’s Galactic Readiness rating directly through the Galaxy at War system in Mass Effect 3.”

The game will be available on iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad “soon.” In addition to increasing galactic readiness, the iOS game will also unlock “exclusive weaponry” for use in the main game.

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