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MobyGames Classic: Resident Evil community stories

MobyGames Classic: Resident Evil community stories

Shacknews readers share their own stories revolving around the classic Resident Evil, the latest game inducted into the “MobyGames Classic” series on

Shack Staff

Shack Staff

March 23, 2012 2:30 PM4

On Wednesday we announced 1996’s survival-horror pioneer Resident Evil was the next addition our growing list of video game classics, presented by

Resident Evil caused quite a stir in the gaming community when it was released in 1996, delivering a tense combination of exploration, action, and scares. It served up many of the core attributes that still serve as the foundation of many of today’s more modern and refined horror-driven games, and created a rich world of conspiracies and corrupt corporations and a cast of memorable characters that made their way into numerous sequels on multiple platforms. The original tale was later given an updated treatment for the GameCube, and the franchise continues to see new entries by developer Capcom.

Shacknews user scernos remembers the impression the game left at the time, noting that he wished more modern games would explore a similar tone. “What stunned me was the sheer amount of atmosphere,” scernos writes. “By yourself in a huge house fighting off terror at every corner. The mystery of Wesker (before they ruined him) and the sound effects/music was masterful. While I like the remake alot, the originals have this b-movie quality but realistic portrayal that I miss in gaming.”

Shacknews user eldersveld comments on the Gamecube remake of Resident Evil, and notes that–upgrades aside–the redux remains true in spirit to the original. “I’m playing through the GameCube remake again. Now that I know the mansion a little better, it’s easier for me to see it as just a big machine that you suss out how to operate,” eldersveld writes. “It’s tedious, but absurdly, delightfully tedious!”

Check out the original Chatty thread for more stories and memories from Resident Evil.

MobyGames Classic is our chance to look back at the games that helped shape the video game industry with the help of our sister site It combines a short history lesson on the title and anecdotes from the Shacknews community.

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