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Resident Evil: Revelations drops back down to $40

Resident Evil: Revelations drops back down to $40

Likely succumbing to fan demand, Capcom has announced a new price point for Resident Evil Revelations: a standard $39.99, instead of the previously-announced $50.

Andrew Yoon

January 27, 2012 3:30 PM8

Resident Evil: Revelations is one of the prettiest “console-like” experiences on the 3DS. But does it warrant a “console-like” price tag? Capcom thought so, having originally priced the game at $50. Their explanation? “To handle all of that data Resident Evil Revelations requires a 4GB cartridge, resulting in a higher price point.”

Fans didn’t take too kindly to that announcement, pointing out that the price difference between a 2GB memory stick and 4GB memory stick is negligible. “I have no idea why Capcom has any fans left,” Shacker peepooppooppee commented. “They’re probably the most hostile and least consumer-friendly company.”

Undoubtedly, many others shared that sentiment. Likely succumbing to fan demand, the publisher has announced a new price point for the upcoming 3DS game: a standard $39.99.

“After weeks of effort, we’ve been able to lower the price to $39.99,” Capcom announced on its blog. “We’ve spent weeks looking for a way to bring your cost down to standard 3DS pricing. Today we can finally confirm we were successful in this, and hope the reduced price encourages even more people to check out this strong entry in the Resident Evil canon.”

We’re not entirely sure what “effort” was placed into making the game more affordable to manufacture. While this sounds like a poorly contrived PR message, we can’t complain about the end result: saving ten bucks.

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