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HomeBaldur's Gate 3Skyrim Creation Kit available Tuesday, comes with 'surprise'

Skyrim Creation Kit available Tuesday, comes with ‘surprise’

Skyrim Creation Kit available Tuesday, comes with ‘surprise’

When is Skyrim’s Creation Kit due? “The Creation Kit is on track for release on Tuesday.”

Andrew Yoon

February 3, 2012 2:45 PM41

The Skyrim Creation Kit was due back in January… but that obviously didn’t happen. So when is it due? “The Creation Kit is on track for release on Tuesday,” Bethesda’s Pete Hines tweeted. And even more tantalizingly, he teased: “We also have a special surprise with it.”

“It’s horse armour isn’t it?” said one fan.

“Official nude patch?” another asked.

“Infos on the first DLC?!” Well, that sounds plausible. It’s been about three months since Skyrim’s release, and some may be getting humgry for more. “We don’t know what we’re going to make yet, but we’d like them to be closer to an expansion pack feel,” Todd Howard said last year.

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