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Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures hits 10M registered users

Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures hits 10M registered users

Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures has just passed the 10 million user milestone, and is celebrating with a piece of armor for all users. Plus, Darth Maul will be appearing in the game starting on Thursday.

Steve Watts

March 13, 2012 3:30 PM1

Any adult Star Wars fan worth his salt is playing Star Wars: The Old Republic in-between playing a lively round of George Lucas Darts. But you may not realize that the universe also holds a kinder, gentler MMO, which is doing pretty well for itself too. Sony Online Entertainment has announced that the free-to-play, browser-based Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures has surpassed 10 million registered players.

Granted, that number factors in two years worth of play, but Sony points to continued support like a recent expansion to keep the player base growing. SOE will be giving a special in-game Gold Death Watch Armor to all users to celebrate the milestone.

The game ties into the popular Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV series, which has just seen the introduction of Darth Maul after somehow recovering from that nasty wound in Episode 1. Beginning on Thursday, Maul will start appearing in the Clone Wars Adventures, giving players new interactions, a new player title, and rewards.

“Clone Wars Adventures is one of our original free-to-play games and it continues to demonstrate the success of the free-to-play business model,” said SOE president John Smedley in the press release. “Surpassing 10 million registered players so quickly is an extraordinary achievement and we have no intention of slowing down. Our goal is to continue to create an immersive environment that captures the essence of Star Wars, and we remain committed to further amplifying the Star Wars experience for all of our 10 million-plus registered players.”

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