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Star Wars: The Old Republic receives accessibility award

Star Wars: The Old Republic receives accessibility award

The AbleGamers Foundation has given Star Wars: The Old Republic its annual Accessible Mainstream Game of the Year, praising its options for disabled gamers.

Steve Watts

January 20, 2012 3:30 PM3

Star Wars: The Old Republic has earned recognition for its accessibility options, letting disabled gamers enjoy their time exploring the galaxy. The AbleGamers Foundation announced today that the BioWare MMO has earned its Accessible Mainstream Game of the Year award for 2011.

The award is given out every year to the game that includes a wide range of options that allow it to be played by gamers with many different types of disabilities. Previous winners include Forza Motorsport 3 and Dragon Age: Origins. The announcement mentions that The Old Republic includes colorblind-friendly options, full subtitles, and control options for mobility impairments.

“It’s very rare to see a game of this caliber initially released with so many accessibility options,” said AbleGamers president Mark Barlet. “BioWare did a wonderful job including a large number of options right at launch with the promise of including more as soon as possible.”

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