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The Banner Saga reaches Kickstarter funding goal in under two days

The Banner Saga reaches Kickstarter funding goal in under two days

The Banner Saga, an independent turn-based Viking RPG by former Star Wars: The Old Republic developers, has surpassed it’s $100,000 Kickstarter funding goal in under two days.

Jeff Mattas

March 21, 2012 4:15 PM12

Just over a couple of weeks ago, independent developer Stoic Studio shared some details and insight into their upcoming Viking-infused cinematic RPG with turn-based combat. At the time, the team–comprised of industry vets who’ve worked on Star Wars: The Old Republic and other games–told us that they’d be launching a Kickstarter funding page to drum up some financial support for development. The Banner Saga‘s Kickstarter page went live a few days ago. Before the second day of funding had elapsed, Stoic had already surpassed their initial funding goal of $100,000.

With over 4,200 backers at the time of this post, The Banner Saga can still accrue funding support for another thirty days. A quick perusal of the Kickstarter page makes it easy to understand why support for the game has reached critical mass so quickly. Beautiful hand-drawn animation calls to mind classic animated films from Disney, Don Bluth, and Ralph Bakshi, while Stoic is promising a mature storyline rooted in mythology and warfare.

The rewards for donating to project are quite varied. Ten bucks will get you a copy of the game when it’s released, $25 will get you access to the special edition, and higher donation tiers include cool bonuses like the ability to design your own family crest for inclusion in the game’s multiplayer component. Still not enough? Well, a $2,500 donation gets your likeness in the game as a Viking god, and $5,000 will get you a motion-capture session with the developers and actually appear in-game.

If you’re a fan of Vikings, RPGs, turn-based combat, or a combination of all three, I really recommend heading over and checking out the Kickstarter.

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