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The Secret World emerging on June 19

The Secret World emerging on June 19

Funcom’s real-ish-world supernatural MMORPG The Secret World will creep into our own reality on June 19, pushed back from its planned April launch to apply a good spit-shine.

Alice O’Connor

February 21, 2012 9:30 AM6

Funcom’s supernatural real-ish-world MMORPG The Secret World will creep into our own reality on June 19, pushed back from its planned April launch to apply a good spit-shine. Beta testing is to ramp up, including several “large-scale public beta events.”

“Allowing for even more time to polish the game really shows just how much faith Funcom as a company has in ‘The Secret World’ and how committed we are to making it the best it can be,” creative director Ragnar Tørnquist said in the announcement.

“The additional time will also allow us to carry out even more quality beta testing, and soon we will also be announcing several public beta events where hundreds of thousands of gamers will get to test the game prior to launch.”

You can sign up for beta testing now, if you’d like, as 750,000 others already have.

The Secret World, in a nutshell, is a classless, level-less, MMORPG for PC, set in a version of our world where supernatural horrors lurk just beyond our vision, kept in line by three shadowy warring factions. Intriguingly, in-game puzzles will test your grey matter as well, with clues embedded in the environment, and some which may take a little research on the actual proper Internet.

Here’s a recent trailer, showing off the Blue Mountain area:

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