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HomeBaldur's Gate 3THQ files trademark for '1666'

THQ files trademark for ‘1666’

THQ files trademark for ‘1666’

THQ has filed a trademark for video game software titled “1666,” a possible reference to the Great Fire of London of that year.

Steve Watts

March 14, 2012 3:00 PM3

THQ has filed a mysterious video game trademark, implying that the company is still pursuing original intellectual property despite its financial difficulties. The trademark filed late last month is for “1666.” No details were given regarding the game, but its name coincides with the year of a historical event in England.

The trademark (via GameSpot) doesn’t give any indication of what the number could mean. September of 1666 marked the Great Fire of London, a 3-day uncontrolled blaze that consumed thousands of houses, several dozen parish churches, St. Paul’s Cathedral, and government buildings. It’s uncertain if the reference is to a year or something else entirely, but that’s at least a starting point for speculation.

Developing new IP is a bold move for a company going through a rough financial patch like THQ. Conventional wisdom would have the mid-sized publisher doubling down on its known hit franchises. The company has said that its plan moving forward is a renewed focus on core games, plus a focus on mobile and social titles.

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