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THQ seeking development partner for Dark Milennium Online MMO

THQ seeking development partner for Dark Milennium Online MMO

In its Q3 2012 earnings call, publisher THQ revealed that it is looking for a partner to co-develop the MMO Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millenium Online.

Jeff Mattas

February 3, 2012 6:45 AM5THQ’s in bad shape, but it’s still forging ahead with its planned MMO, Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millenium Online. However, the beleaguered publisher won’t be able to do it alone. During a financial briefing, the company revealed that it’s seeking a development partner to complete the title. Vigil Games was the studio THQ had initially tasked with developing Dark Millennium, but development efforts were later bolstered by resources from the THQ-owned Relic Entertainment. In yesterday’s call, the publisher revealed that it’s looking for another “partner” to help develop the game, due–at least, in part–to the cost and risk associated with developing a massively-multiplayer online title.Due to the difficulty producing the game, Dark Millenium currently has a “fiscal 2014 and beyond” release window. At this point, however, there’s no word as to who might be interested in helping craft it.

Who will Join Relic and Vigil to make this?

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