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HomeBaldur's Gate 3Wing Commander Saga: The Darkest Dawn launches

Wing Commander Saga: The Darkest Dawn launches

Wing Commander Saga: The Darkest Dawn launches

It’s unofficial and fan-created, but a new Wing Commander game has launched and fans of the series are jumping on it.

John Keefer

March 22, 2012 4:00 PM11

The Wing Commander series died years ago, with no hope of an official resurrection after Electronic Arts scooped up developer Origin and slowed phased it out. But the game has been reborn after 10 years of effort by a team of fans.

Wing Commander Saga: The Darkest Dawn launched today and offers players two campaigns, 55 missions and a story reminiscent of the original series. In a letter to fans announcing the launch, project leader Anton “Tolwyn” Romanyuk said:

“If Wing Commander Saga: The Darkest Dawn is your introduction to the Wing Commander universe, you owe it to yourself to try the source material that inspired us. Several of the original Wing Commander games are available at, so make sure to show your support for the actual creators of Wing Commander by going and purchasing some copies! You won’t regret it.”

Romanyuk also said that a Mac and Linux version are coming once the launcher is ported. He has also made it clear that the project is not official sanctioned by the original developer, Chris Roberts, or Electronic Arts.

The site was getting hammered so hard by fans that nine different sites had to mirror the download. Have no fear! You can download the game here at Shacknews.

While the launch trailer might be a bit too long, it is definitely enticing enough for you to want to hop into a fighter and start taking on the Kilrathi. Hopefully, EA will stay out of the way.

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