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HomeBaldur's Gate 3Final Fantasy XIII-2 'Lightning' DLC coming February 7

Final Fantasy XIII-2 ‘Lightning’ DLC coming February 7

Final Fantasy XIII-2 ‘Lightning’ DLC coming February 7

Lightning will come to Final Fantasy XIII-2 as a downloadable playable character next week, on February 7.

Steve Watts

January 31, 2012 11:30 AM2Lightning is coming to Final Fantasy XIII-2 next week, Square Enix has announced. Titled “Lightning and Master Sergeant Amodar,” this premium DLC pack pits you in a Coliseum battle against the Final Fantasy XIII heroine and her former officer.Once you beat the pair, you can recruit Lightning into your party. A price wasn’t disclosed with the announcement, but Andriasang reports that the content will cost 240 MSP ($3) in Japan.Square promises other Coliseum battles to come against adversaries from previous Final Fantasy titles, who can then be recruited into your party. (Here’s hoping for Ultros.) The company also reiterated its plans for episodic story content, which will spotlight different characters.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 DLC

This news comes as word of the game’s ending sparks renewed speculation on the Final Fantasy XIII-3 domain registration. You can check out thoughts on the game, including the contentious ending, in our review.

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