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SSX allows multiplayer without Online Pass

SSX allows multiplayer without Online Pass

The SSX online pass will allow you to play online, but restrict any credits earned from online play until you register the pass.

Steve Watts

January 31, 2012 8:45 AM6

As the origin of “Project Ten Dollar,” EA has been dabbling in different ways of implementing its online pass systems. For example, the publisher recently locked single-player content in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. Online multiplayer is usually completely locked in most of EA’s sports and shooter titles. However, for the upcoming SSX, the company is trying a radical new idea: letting you play online even without the online pass.

Game Informer reports that you can compete in the online modes whether you have a pass or not. That doesn’t mean the game doesn’t come with a voucher. The included online pass enables the use of credits earned in Global Events, redeemable for unlocking gear and participating in event drops. If you don’t have a pass registered, the credits will be stored and waiting for when you get around to inputting the code or purchasing the pass.

It will cost $10 if bought separately, which seems more and more the standard for the passes. As these things go, it seems like one of the more user-friendly uses we’ve heard of. Maybe if it’s popular, EA will lean more in this direction for future iterations.

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